Laser beams

Is your student considering Strive?

Wow are you lucky.

Strive equips students to change the world.

Instead of playing games about murdering people,
listening to endless hours of terrible music
or zoning out consuming TV,
your student can learn skills that will improve their life.

Learning about a problem, getting invested, and starting to fix it fast

Skills to make an impact

Strive uses social impact to teach students that they can make a difference to a problem that seems overwhelming. This empowers them, and gives them hope.

The skills they learn help them get jobs in the world's fastest growing industries.

These include AI, animation, web development, filmmaking, robotics, prototyping and more.

The trial is free. Sign up now.

Try for Free

Make amazing things, meet incredible people, and make a difference at the same time.

Sign up now. The trial is free, no credit card.

Badass graphics